Thursday, March 16, 2017 - Handloom & Handicrafts of Odisha

About OdiKala & Odisha

    OdiKala is a step to "Find Unique Products of Odisha" including Handloom, Handicrafts, Ethnic, Organic and Natural items from Odisha and feature those to the world and in this manner giving the entire world a chance to explore Odisha. is the initial move towards this vision.

Odisha, an unblemished state in the eastern shoreline of India, is a delightful arrangement of assorted qualities reflected in its Clothing, Food, Lifestyle, Language, Music, Books and so forth. These differing qualities are so rich and different that an endeavour to catch it on a solitary stage was never simple. is attempting to make an endeavour to it. utilises a B2C model to catch the provincial varieties of Odisha. We are attempting to source items from nearby craftsmen and planners however much as could be expected and make/advance their image, giving a lift to miniaturised scale and little units of Odisha and in this way developing Odisha's way of life, conventions and values past limits. We trust this trip won't just help craftsmen of Odisha additionally help clients find and purchase items which they generally are not ready to do today. 

Here are the links for the various products that we offer, Buy Sarees, Dress Materials, Men's Wear, Home & Living, Handicrafts, please visit and have a look at the different arts and crafts.

Customer satisfaction is our motto. 

If it's not too much trouble keep in touch with us specifically on the off chance that you have any criticism, inquiries, concerns or recommendations. 

Yours Truly, 

OdiKala Family 
